all about 4d scan technology

The things you probably want to know…

all about 4d scan technology

The things you probably want to know…

4D Scans

This is why you visit us at 4D Scan…

The movement of 3D. Time was added to 3D so we could see the baby moving in real-time, thus 4D. The 4D image also improved with time as we try to get as close as possible to real-time movement. We hope your baby is cooperating so we might show you a yawn, swallowing of fluid or opening of the eyes!


You’ll also get a little video from us and you can watch one below  from one of our moms-to-be who let us use her video of Lewis…

Introducing AI-enhanced 4D imaging

4D Scan is proud to introduce AI-enhanced 4D imaging at our practices! Being at the forefront of Obstetric Sonography in South Africa, AI-enhanced imaging uses advanced algorithms to sharpen and clarify ultrasound images, providing unparalleled detail of your baby. Experience the wonder of seeing your baby’s features with breathtaking clarity—truly a remarkable leap in prenatal care.

4D Scans

This is why you visit us at 4D Scan…

The movement of 3D. Time was added to 3D so we could see the baby moving in real-time, thus 4D. The 4D image also improved with time as we try to get as close as possible to real-time movement. We hope your baby is cooperating so we might show you a yawn, swallowing of fluid or opening of the eyes!

3D Scans

And this is the the yellow-brown image that took the world by storm some time ago!

The image of the baby’s face has improved in the last 12 years. The pixels are smaller and we are creating smoother imaging. The role of 3D has changed from a nice-to-have to a diagnostic tool. The 3D is a still image of the fetus.

2D scans

So here is the scan that most of us all know – you know, the one you surprise Dad-to-be with?

2D is mainly used for diagnostic purposes. With each 4D Scan session, a level 3 diagnostic scan will be done to determine possible abnormalities. 2D Scans are the black and white image you are used to seeing. This is a grayscale image of your baby produced by sound waves. The 2D image is very important as we do most of the diagnostic imaging on the 2D. We also need to do a 2D image before we can switch to 3D or 4D. The quality of our 2D image influences our 3D/4D image.

about us

why 4d scan


4D Scan’s founders specialise in Obstetrics and provide Doctors and Midwives with key results from the scan. That’s why we say that at 4D Scan, it’s much more than just a scan…

2D, 3D or 4D?


As a mom and / or dad-to-be, you can get a little confused by all the terminology and what 4D Scan actually does – especially the differences between the scans available.

Frequently Asked questions


Yes, we know you’re full of questions and looking for the best advice you can get – that’s why at 4D Scan we’d love to help you. So have a quick look at our FAQs and put your mind at ease…

about us

why 4d scan


4D Scan’s founders specialise in Obstetrics and provide Doctors and Midwives with key results from the scan. That’s why we say that at 4D Scan, it’s much more than just a scan…

2D, 3D or 4D?


As a mom and / or dad-to-be, you can get a little confused by all the terminology and what 4D Scan actually does – especially the differences between the scans available.

Frequently Asked questions


Yes, we know you’re full of questions and looking for the best advice you can get – that’s why at 4D Scan we’d love to help you. So have a quick look at our FAQs and put your mind at ease…

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0861 4D Scan (437226)
or 012 751 2222


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